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Have you wondered how a promising startup transforms into a publicly traded company? The journey from a private firm to a publicly listed entity is thrilling, but it's not without its complexities.

At the heart of this transformation lies the important role of investment banks. These institutions not only offer financial expertise but also ensure that an Initial Public Offering (IPO) runs smoothly.

In this guide, I'll shed light on the indispensable role of investment banks in IPOs and how they steer companies towards a successful market debut.

What is investment banking?

Investment banking focuses on facilitating major financial activities, notably mergers and the underwriting of initial public offerings (IPOs). These banks secure funds for corporations, municipalities, or other entities by methods like underwriting new securities.

One of their key roles is overseeing a corporation's IPO process. Additionally, they offer insights and recommendations on mergers & acquisitions, and structural shifts.

Investment bankers possess a keen sense of the ongoing investment trends. They assist clients in making informed decisions within the intricate landscape of finance.

Investment bankers in IPOs: Key duties and tasks explained


Taking a company public is no small feat.

Investment bankers with their expertise and strategic manoeuvres ensure that the transition from a private firm to a publicly-traded entity is smooth and lucrative.

But what exactly do they do during an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?

Let’s get into it!


Once a corporation partners with an investment bank, the bank acts as the IPO underwriter. In simple terms, underwriting involves assessing a company's worth and buying its shares at a reduced rate to later sell them on open markets.

Depending on an IPO's magnitude, several banks might collaborate, with one taking the lead as the principal underwriter.

Setting the right price

One of the most important responsibilities of investment bankers is determining the correct IPO share price. It's a delicate act, as the bank must aim to maximise funds for the client company while also attracting a broad base of investors.

Overpricing might repel investors, whereas underpricing might fail to generate adequate funds.

While investment bankers offer guidance on pricing, the final value might sometimes miss the mark.

Promoting the IPO

Roadshows play a central role in marketing the IPO and gauging investor interest. By hosting roadshows, bankers build excitement around the impending IPO and engage with potential investors to gauge the company's image.

While bankers usually lead these events, there have been exceptions. Notably, during its 2012 IPO, Facebook's executives took an informal approach, setting a new trend for tech firms.

Maintaining share stability

On the IPO day, investment bankers start offering shares to the public, aiming for profitability and elevating the company's market stature. Furthermore, banks enforce lock-up periods on new shares, typically spanning six months.

This strategy restricts early IPO investors from selling their shares, creating a steady demand and preventing drastic price drops.

Responsibilities of investment banking apart from IPO


Beyond guiding companies in raising funds, investment banks offer a spectrum of services. These banks diversify their offerings to cater to various financial needs.

Here's a glimpse into some of the diverse roles they play:


There's usually a research division in any investment bank that dedicates its time to studying market trends, industries, and individual companies.

By meticulously examining financial statements, industry trends, and economic data, these researchers forecast where a company might be heading.

Their analyses are invaluable, providing clear guidance to investors about potential investment opportunities.

These analyses are not just confined within the walls of the bank; they're often sold to outside investors, providing another stream of revenue for the bank.

Trading and sales

The trading floor is often buzzing with activity, where traders monitor market movements and execute orders for clients.

They buy securities when prices are low and sell when prices are high, aiming for profitability.

Additionally, some banks historically used their funds to buy and sell securities in a bid to profit from market movements, known as proprietary trading.

However, due to the risks involved and recent regulations like the Volcker Rule, this activity has been curtailed.

Asset management

Managing large sums of money requires expertise, and that's where the asset management division comes in. Whether it's for a retirement fund of thousands of employees or the reserves of an insurance company, these experts make informed decisions about where to invest this pooled money.

Their goal is to grow the funds while balancing risks, and ensuring good returns for the stakeholders.

Wealth management

While asset management deals with institutional funds, wealth management is more personal. Catering to individual investors, wealth managers provide tailored financial advice.

Whether it's a family looking to secure their children's education, an individual planning an early retirement, or someone looking to invest in a sudden windfall, wealth managers chart out financial plans to help clients reach their goals.

Securitized products

This function is about turning various types of debt into tradable securities. For instance, a bank might gather thousands of mortgage loans, bundle them together, and then issue securities backed by the payments on these loans.

Investors buy these securities in anticipation of receiving a share of the payments. By doing this, the original lenders (like mortgage banks) get immediate liquidity, and investors get a new type of investment opportunity.

The role of investment banks here is multifaceted – they advise on the structuring, bundle the assets, and then find institutional investors to purchase them.

Example of investment banking

  1. JPMorgan Chase: Based in New York, JPMorgan Chase is a leading global financial institution. With its vast resources and extensive reach, this bank plays a pivotal role in global finance, offering services in investment banking, asset management, and securities services.
  2. Goldman Sachs: Also headquartered in New York, Goldman Sachs has built a reputation for its expertise in mergers and acquisitions, asset management, and prime brokerage services. Its global presence makes it a preferred choice for many international clients.
  3. Bank of America: Operating out of Charlotte, North Carolina, Bank of America has a broad array of services that include wealth management, corporate banking, and global markets. Their wide network supports businesses, both big and small, around the world.
  4. Morgan Stanley: With its roots in New York, Morgan Stanley is known for its wealth management and investment banking services. Its international operations ensure clients get comprehensive financial solutions wherever they are.
  5. Citigroup: Another giant from New York, Citigroup has a diversified financial services offering. Their global consumer banking segment is especially strong, and they have a notable presence in numerous countries.

Investment banks in IPOs FAQs

1. What Is an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?

An initial public offering, or IPO, marks a significant transition for a private company. It’s the act of selling a company's shares to the public for the first time.

2. Benefits of an IPO

By doing this, the company opens doors to a broader range of investors and secures funds to fuel further growth or pay down debt. When a company decides to go public, it aims to attract capital from everyday investors.

3. Preparation and Regulation for IPO

The transition isn't just a mere decision; it requires meticulous planning, transparency, and adherence to strict regulatory requirements. A company must ensure it meets the criteria set by stock exchanges and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

This includes demonstrating financial stability, transparency in operations, and a promising future trajectory. Meeting these requirements ensures potential investors get a clear and honest picture of the company's prospects.

4. Investment Banks: The Unsung Heroes of the IPO Process

These financial institutions play a pivotal role in the IPO process. Companies collaborate with them, essentially as partners, to guide and manage the complexities of going public.

5. The Role of Underwriters in IPOs

Investment banks, known as underwriters in this scenario, carry multiple responsibilities. They assess the company's value, decide the share price, and guarantee a specific amount of funds by buying a substantial chunk of the shares.

But their role isn't limited to just numbers. They champion the company's story.

Through roadshows and marketing campaigns, they present the company's vision, achievements, and potential to a diverse set of investors.

Final thoughts

Investment banks stand as the linchpin in the IPO process, guiding companies through the complexities of going public.

From their comprehensive understanding of financial markets to their expertise in valuation and securing investors, these institutions ensure a smooth IPO journey.

Beyond IPOs, their role extends to asset management, trading, and more, reinforcing their significance in the financial sector.

The transition of a company from private to public is a monumental step, and investment banks play the role of trusted advisors in this venture.

“When considering Initial Public Offering (IPO) for trading and price predictions, remember that trading CFDs involves a significant degree of risk and could result in capital loss. Past performance is not indicative of any future results. This information is provided for informative purposes only and should not be construed to be investment advice.”

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